Be the thing you want to see.
I signed out as many ipads as I could get my hands on for a 1.5 hour block of time. I started the lesson using the projector and screen at the front of my room and plugged in an ipad to show them the "Kodable" app as our first activity. I had already created a class "Kodable" account - so now I can track the progress of my students on skills such as; variables, strings, loops, sequences and functions. I showed them my solutions to the first 2 easy levels (first telling them to put all the ipads face down on the table and hands-off) and then turned the time over to them to explore and learn.

"Who can fix my code?" I asked out loud - while my ipad and current incorrect code was being projected at the front of the room. I immediately saw 4 hands go up. I chose someone - a student who does not often raise his hand during lessons or class discussions - and invited him to come up to the front and change the code that I had used to try and solve the level. He changed a couple of things and ran the code - but it still wasn't successful. The next thing that happened is what I was waiting for...
Two other students instinctively got up and walked to the front to help the first student "fix the code." For the next couple of minutes, I had a group of three students (representing both grades 7 and 8) working together to solve a problem and modeling their strategies for the rest of the class to see. They did end up fixing my code. They were successful. And all the while, I watched as a common problem became the source of inspiration to collaborate and problem solve.
We often ask our students to try new things and take risks in their own learning. How often, though, do we sit back and observe? If coding matters - and as the teacher in the room - I have never modeled coding (and the problem-solving; trial-and-error; failure and success; risk-taking that it demands) - then I have not validated it to my students as being important enough for me to learn.
Some of our students will want to code. Some will excel at the independent learning style that many of the coding applications require. Some, though, will put up walls and struggle when the code they write doesn't work. It is those students that, not only, want to hear us say that it is a valuable skill to learn; but also, watch as we (their teacher) struggle with a new area of learning. How we approach learning and risk-taking is evident everyday in the classroom. Be flexible. Be vulnerable. Be a human being.
We no longer hold all the answers and information. Tell them that. It is now a journey of learning together and the things you choose to model should reflect your own next steps and challenges as well.
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